Post by ZenMate on May 20, 2012 0:23:49 GMT -5
Booyahtopia 32711015 I don't wish to share my screen name, if it's not a necessity, thank you for understanding this
Post by licat on May 20, 2012 14:14:11 GMT -5
gary: I've sent you a pm.
Post by Grateful Ed on May 20, 2012 19:46:59 GMT -5
GratefulEd - Barvul (Ed) ID#38141928
Post by ZenMate on May 20, 2012 20:57:35 GMT -5
gary: I've sent you a pm. Yep saw that. Just in case then: nick: ZenMate town: Booyahtopia id: 32711015
Post by palsager on May 21, 2012 12:27:47 GMT -5
Please add me to the list too.
1. screen/board name: Palsager 2. town name (is it unique?): Nors iCity 3. Booyah ID # 37538517
Thanks to Sol, BB & Licat!
Post by licat on May 21, 2012 13:32:43 GMT -5
New gratefuled | Barvul (Ed) |38141928 palsager | Nors iCity | 37538517 darrennie | Arizona Bay | 37676807 sommerlou | Shireville | 37047795
kiville | kiVille | 36954205 (deleted kiVille II | 39939508) kiville klassiK | kiVille klassiK | 36954205
Post by darrennie on May 21, 2012 14:04:27 GMT -5
darrennie | 37676807 | Arizona Bay Thanks to ALL who have helped me with their generosity, looking forward to returning the favours. And especially to Barracuda Bay. Oh ya , could you please add me to the directory.
Post by sommerlou on May 21, 2012 17:47:14 GMT -5
hello! I'm new to the forum! Please add me to the member directory! Screen name: SommerLou Town Name: Shireville Booyah ID#: 37047795 please note, my town is in the process of a remodel so excuse the mess! Thanks!
Post by kiley on May 21, 2012 19:11:59 GMT -5
in honor of the horrible tragedy of my town having disappeared(esp during (2x coins, shakes, & expansion discounts) it shall now be dubbed:
kiVille klassiK # 36954205
Post by licat on May 22, 2012 16:29:06 GMT -5
New ZenMate | Booyahtopia | 32711015
Post by jontflesh on May 23, 2012 12:24:32 GMT -5
hey there, new to the forum, please add me!
Screen Name: Jon T Flesh Town: Pogue Mahone Booyah ID# 38677430
Post by licat on May 23, 2012 14:05:23 GMT -5
New jontflesh | Pogue Mahone | 38677430
Post by Precious on May 24, 2012 15:54:54 GMT -5
PreciousVille: 34319990
Post by licat on May 24, 2012 18:57:29 GMT -5
New PreciousVille | PreciousVille | 34319990
Sir Posts-A-Lot
Posts: 37
Post by t19j on May 27, 2012 14:21:05 GMT -5
Add me to this list?
username: t19j Town name: TomTown ID: 38716557
Post by licat on May 27, 2012 17:30:06 GMT -5
New t19j | TomTown | 38716557
Post by amigo town on May 28, 2012 11:24:03 GMT -5
can u pleaz also add me 2 the list ;D
amigo town= Town Name amigo town= Forum Name ID: 39514983
Post by licat on May 29, 2012 12:44:05 GMT -5
New amigo town | amigo town | 39514983
MT2 Super Duper Member
Posts: 11
Post by owiko on May 30, 2012 18:27:12 GMT -5
Screen name: Owiko Town Name: Owikoville Booyah ID#: 37801054
Post by licat on May 31, 2012 12:02:54 GMT -5
New owiko | Owikoville | 37801054
Updated palsager | Nors Metropolis | 37538517 Barracuda Bay | BBFranchiseNYNY | 33760646